MEVENE What we can do for you

We specialise in the successful development and delivery of high quality and reliable bespoke software development projects.

Quality software for business should always achieve three things: Improve efficiency, reduce operating costs and increase staff productivity. These are the guiding principles of everything we do.

If you've been disappointed by software projects in the past — perhaps you've found the end result more of a hindrance than a help, unreliable or never quite working the way you wanted, having an inconsistent or confusing user interface, or simply beyond the expertise of other developers — we can help. Talk to us today.


Naturally, we can develop software to your specifications. We also understand how busy you are. If you know what you want to achieve but the specifics aren't set in stone, our unique blended method of project management and management consulting can help precisely define your requirements, and also streamline and rationalise your business processes where appropriate. You can also bring us in to help facilitate or drive overrunning or overbudget projects to a successful conclusion, whether in a development, project management or advisory role.


We take pride in delivering high quality, reliable, cost-effective and easy to use software for almost any requirement.

Examples of what we do include:


We don't limit ourselves to any specific technology or vendor. Our policy is always to choose whatever is most appropriate and cost-effective for your requirements.

Examples of the systems and programming languages we use include:

Background image: Maketu Beach, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand — Phillip Capper (Creative Commons)